College Avenue

Once you've completed the planning process and secured a reliable business plan and funding for your business venture, you're ready to plug in other resources to get your business open. At this stage you can:

  • Identify the detailed aspects of your business location
  • Determine whether your business is an allowable use within the location you want to open your business
  • Secure zoning, building, and environmental permits to operate your business
  • Secure applicable business licensing
  • Identify other financial resources

Follow the links below to access more detailed resources for starting your business:

 Location & Zoning
Identify available property based on your market analysis, and determine zoning allowances on your preferred location


Business Licensing
Obtain state and local licenses to operate your business


Building Permitting
Build, renovate, or change uses; get your building permit to perform interior and exterior improvements


 Grants and Assistance