Doans Pond Project

Proposal:   The applicant is proposing to replace an existing above ground stormwater facility with a new underground stormwater storage facility occupying approximately 15,895 ft2. The facility will consist of an underground vault that will store 184,255 gallons of treated stormwater.  Approximate 1,000 CY of excavation and 9,000 CY of fill will be required to complete the project, maximum depth of excavation is 10ft at the location of a manhole between the detention facility and Doan Creek.  The stormwater will be released through a metered 12” outlet and be conveyed north within a 12” storm line within the Doans Avenue right-of-way. Storm water will outfall to Doan creek via this 12” storm pipe. The outfall will be constructed outside the ordinary high-water mark of the creek.  All construction activities are within the Doans Avenue right-of-way.

Notice of Application (NOA)

Civil Plans

Civil Plans (replace sheet 5 of Civil Plans above)

Storm Report

Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)

State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA)